February 22, 2025
Video still for a video of the first run on new layout.

New Hobby New Room!

So it’s been just about 2 full months since I decided to embark into this new hobby. At first I thought I would just have an HO boarder track in my office. But as it turns out ill be kicked out of office when the future wife and I decide to have kids. So My thought was why wait? So I started cleaning and purging crap that was in the garage and making room to put up a wall to divide the garage in half. This new room will be my Train/Office/Man Cave, That’s a lot to go into a space that is roughly 13′ X 24′, but ill made it work. But it will give me the space to set up my train and office.

During the build I was able to pick up a 5′ X 9′ layout from a guy Offer Up for nothing. Can’t beat that price! So after working every evening getting the wall and framed, insulated, wired & sheet rocked. I was finally to the point where I was able to get the new layout on it’s feet and set up. I was so excited, this is what all my work has been for. Here is the first run after converting the DC layout over to DCC.

Check back for our 360 degree tour once the room is complete.

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