February 22, 2025

RR Station Board (Arrivals & Departures)

I have this sign that is too large for the room where my Coca-Cola Collection is located. So I decided to move it to the train room and turn it into an Arrivals and Departure sign. Now I just needed some info to fill in the Loco #, From & Destination information. Instead of making up things on my own I reached out to a group I am part of on facebook. I asked for people to share photo’s and location for their layout. Since many people freelance I was not concerned if the City was legit or if the location was connected to the America’s or not. The group is amazing and is slowly getting filled out (below is the current status). You can also scroll down to see the photo’s from the people who helped by providing their passenger train info so I can fill out this board.


Owner: Steve H
Road Number: 1225 – Polar Express
Time: 11:55
From: Bothell, WA

Owner: Chuck L
Road Number: 500
Time: 10:12
From: Columbia, TN

Owner: Timothy C
Road Number #:87
Time: 2:25
From: Sav, GA

Owner: TBD
Road Number: TBD
Time: -:–
From: ???, ??


Owner: Joshua Hancock
Road Number: 510
Time: 1:45
Destination: Seattle, WA

Owner: Roy K
Road Number: 341
Time: 3:00
Destination: Corona, CA

Owner: Sybren H
Road Number: 46084
Time: 4:45
Destination: Luzern – Europe

Owner: Forrest S
Road Number: 3750 – Trail Blazer
Time: 6:30
Destination: Crestline, OH

Owner: TBD
Road Number: ????
Time: ?:??
Destination: ????, ??

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